biography & survey

pb: zoe kazan writing: threads in third person storybook. adult or ftb.

full name occupation age & dob hometown residence martial status sexuality Celeste Vera Zolleri librarian 29 & 8/8/1984 Portland, Oregon Hawthorn Square single kinsey 4

Father, Dale Zolleri • Mother, Holly Bannon • facts will go here

Celeste was nearly born at a family barbecue, but luckily her father (going well over the speed limit) managed to get his wife to the hospital in time. She was the result of the sort of whirlwind romance that left her parents' friends and family wondering if they were moving a little too fast. The honeymoon phase hadn't exactly had time to wear off before Holly announced she was pregnant and more than one person had their doubts that the couple, especially her, knew what they were getting into before bringing another person into the world.

Holly had always been free spirited which was exactly why Dale, the sort of anxious, practical, yin to her yang fell for her in the first place. She wanted to live her life to the fullest and was prone to changing careers, addresses and hobbies as often as she changed her dresses (which she had made herself more often than not), believing that time was too short to keep doing anything you weren't happy doing. She proved to be just as fickle when she came to relationships but when she met Dale the attraction was almost instantaneous and all consuming. She rarely thought about anything or anyone. else For four years they were happy until one of Holly's new "hobbies" started to tear them apart.

Dale was used to his wife's frequent health and self help kicks, but when her devotion to a guru who claimed to teach his followers how to heal themselves and reach enlightenment through meditation became all consuming, he tried to steer her away from it, fearing his wife had fallen prey to some sort of con artist, or even worse, a cult. Holly refused, believing her husband was holding her back and even trying to poison her with what she called negative energy. The couple soon divorced and it quickly became clear that Holly really had even less desire to be a mother than she did a wife. She eventually gave Dale full custody of Celeste. By this time she proved to be a curious but shy kid, prefering the company of the characters she met in books rather than any children who crossed her path. The loss of her mother caused her to retreat even further into her books, longing for an escape.

After a very rough period of adjustment (and a move to be closer to her grandmother whose support Dale decided would do both of them a world of good) she eventually became as happy as a kid could be under the circumstances, forming a strong bond with her dad that still lingers till this day. She was a painfully average student, never really excelling in any subject save for English because of her love of the written word. She wrote a few short stories, even a play for the object of her 9th grade devotion to star in (not that she ever showed it to her), but for the most part has stayed an avid reader, which definitely suits her current career.

First, middle and last name Celeste Vera Zolleri Birthdate & age August 8th, 1984. I'm 29. Occupation Librarian at Hawthorn Public Library. Who does your family consist of? How many siblings do you have? I don't have any siblings. Its just my dad, my grandma and myself. What kind of pets do you have? No pets, either! I'm shooting down so many of these questions. I've always kind of wanted one but I sort of worry I'm too scatterbrained to take care of another living creature. I think I might be a cat person, but you never know until you test something, right? Which hawthorn neighborhood do you live in? Hawthorn Square. Do you live alone? Yes, barring a few dust bunnies behind the couch and any potential ghosts. Which, I wouldn't rule them out considering my lights flicker a lot. What's your idea of perfect happiness? Contentment. Liking where you are and knowing that its exactly where you want, or need to be. Knowing you belong. What is your relationship like with your parents? If you don't have one, explain My dad is the most amazing man I know. Its been just the two of us since I was five and I'd say we're pretty close? He's my best friend the same way some girls say their mom is theirs, I guess. I don't really have a relationship with my mom. She decided she had other priorities when I was young and left us on our own. I don't really have much of a desire to reconnect with her. I'm not even sure its possible, to be honest. What does your ideal weekend or day off look like? Sitting at home with a very large latte and a good book. Well, no, actually it sort of depends on the weather? I can, will and do read everywhere but when its nice out I like going on drives. Mini road trips, I guess. Even if I usually just end up at a mall or resturant I've never been to before. What do you regret most about your time in high school? Like most teenagers, I took everything way too seriously. I remember being crushed over the stupidest things like not having a date to prom or not becoming editor of the newspaper like I wanted, just trival things that I thought were huge at the time, but really mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. What word or words do you overuse the most? Really. In the form of a question, like "Wow, really? Your dad knows Madonna!?" or to emphasise my point, like, "You really need to stop letting your toddler build a fort out of picture books. I just got done shelving them." what fictional character do you most relate to and why? Evey from the Mummy movies. I'm not any of these things either, but I'm very proud to be a librarian, especially when I'm drunk. how would you like to die? Quickly and comfortably. I'm not worried about living to an old age or even the particulars. I'd just rather not die from a lingering illness or from something that causes me to be scared or in pain. I don't want to know its coming.