Isolda was the first child of Gregor and Hannah but she certainly wouldn't be the last. As the years passed, they would joke that she was such a good baby that they decided to have five more, but having a large family was never really part of the plan. It simply happened. The brood grew every few years and the starter home the Hillards had purchased soon after marrying seemed smaller and smaller, but its inhabitants adjusted, none quicker than the eldest sibling. From the moment her mother told her that her eldest sister, Juliet was on the way, she nodded her head, solemn in her promise that she would be the best big sister ever and help her mom in any way she could. It was a promise she took to heart and never broke over the years, even though Adrian had a knack for spilling Coke all over her art projects and Cora still can't seem to understand the concept of hot water being limited, especially when you have an ancient hot water tank.

Her school years passed quickly. Isolda was a painfully average student in every way possible. Her grades were good, neither stellar nor terrible and she managed to build herself a decent group of friends, but she was never really all that popular, bending into the crowd just as easily there as she did at home. By the time graduation came around, she was panicked. She had never really developed a knack for anything and had no idea how to go about it. She drifted from odd job to odd job, figuring going to college without a clear cut idea of what she wanted to focus on would be a waste of time and money she didn't have. One day while cooking breakfast for her siblings (and complaining about her cashflow problem) Juliet joked that she should become a nanny. She'd certainly had enough practice. It was a lightbulb moment. She'd been babysitting for her parents and neighbors for extra cash since she was twelve. Why not make it a career?

But a lifetime of taking care of other people's children isn't wasn't what Isolda wanted for herself. After eventually growing bored with the tediousness of dropping her charges off to soccer practice and knowing far more about Dora than a grown, technically childless woman should, Isolda started work on a nursing degree. Since obtaining it two years ago, she has been working at a nursing home in Brooklyn and often jokes that she's still a caregiver, her charges are just a bit better behaved these days.



basic information
birth name:Isolda Diane Hillard
birth date & age: 30 (b. July 7th, 1984)
currently resides: Park Slope, Brooklyn.
occupation(s): Nanny.
marital status/sexuality: Single/Lesbian
parents: Gregor Hillard (55) & Hannah Demsey (52)
siblings: Juliet Mason (28), Adrian Hillard (26), Peter Hillard (24), Melanie Hillard (22) & Cora Hillard (20).
other family: Jake Mason (brother in law, 27).
out of character
played by: Evelyne Brochu
journal: isolda
etc: est. customs for chatting, always down to plot or scene. threads in third person storybook. adult scenes or ftb.
credit: Coding by lauryn but the entire idea of the coding layout from celany's design. If taking, please credit both sources! Thanks.