biography & storylines

pb: allison williams. writing: threads in past tense, third person storybook. adult or ftb.

full name occupation age & dob hometown residence martial status sexuality Maura Beth Zeler english/creative writing teacher 26 & 9/8/1988 Hartford, CT. Park Slope, Brooklyn single lesbian

Father, Frank Zeler • Mother, Janet Zeler • Sister, Laurel Zeler • Loathes peanut butter and nuts in general. Will pick them out of cookies, brownies, etc. • Finished a novel shortly after graduating college. It remains unpublished and unseen by anyone and is collecting dust in an old hatbox under her bed. • Has always wanted a dog and was never allowed one as a kid. can often be seen petting strangers' dogs at the park and often jokes that she wants to steal them. She's 55% serious, but is unsure she'll be able to tackle pet ownership considering houseplants die under her care. PROUD DOG MOM TO JUNO AS OF MAY 2016

Maura Beth Zeler is the second daughter of Frank and Janet. She was unplanned, but her parents came around to the idea of having another child when they realized they could have a son and with it, the best of both worlds. They were slightly disappointed when they realized they were having a daughter, Maura's childhood was pleasant and happy enough, though from an early age she realized her and her older sister were never given much in the way of attention. Her parents were very busy people, a lawyer and an interior designer respectively. Though her mother worked less and less once she finally got Frank to pop the question and work had all but come to a standstill by the time Maura's older sister, Laurel was born. Janet mostly devoted herself to her very busy social life and helping the growing Zeler family keep up appearances and with them, the lifestyle to which they both had been born into and were acustomed.

It was a trait the baby of the family didn't share. Shy and introverted, Maura proved to have a knack for creativity rather than schmoozing or business. When her sister announced that she wanted to become a doctor at six, Maura chimed in that she might like to be a writer, a notion her parents hoped she would grow out of. Janet tried to help things along by enrolling her youngest daughter in just as many, if not more activities than her eldest. She sort of hoped Maura would switch gears and channel her artistic abilities into playing violin, in her mind, an even more respectable and useful talent because it would allow her to show her daughter off to her friends, but her plan failed. Maura, ever dutiful took lessons and played with the careful percision she had even as a child but lacked any real passion for music. Over the years she began to see her older sister as the golden child and eventually resent her for it. She was exactly like their parents, after all.

By the time she reached high school, Maura had accepted she wasn't quite like the rest of her family. She stopped trying to live up to their expectations, but was too scared for more than small acts of rebellion like not letting her mother dictate what she wore or skipping out on a monthly dinner with family friends she had never really liked anyway. They were nearly unforgivable sins to her mother who told her that she just didn't understand her but the worst was yet to come.

Maura had always known she was into women. She has never been able to pinpoint the exact moment when she realized she was gay, just that it was something she knew as firmly as her eyes being blue or pizza being her favorite food. She also knew that she had to hide it from family and peers who would never approve. But things changed her junior year when she found her first real girlfriend and with it, love. Eventually she came out to her parents. They didn't disapprove, they said something even worse. They were disappointed and cautioned Maura to be discreet. They were, as always, worried about what other people would think.

Now certain she was the black sheep of the family, Maura was even more determined to get away from them and when it was time to choose a college, she looked for out of state schools exlusively. Her girlfriend decided to go to school in New York. Maura, who had been thinking of going there anyway thanks to a little coaxing from her cousin, decided to follow. Maura and her girlfriend decided to move in together, figuring they'd be much happier sharing space and rent with each other than strangers, but like most high school sweethearts, their relationship didn't last.

They broke up a few months after arriving in New York, and Maura, though heartbroken found she loved New York and the freedom that came with it even more. Her college years passed quickly, but her parents lectures about money being of the utmost importance sort of left their mark. Rather than try and make a go of it as a full time writer, she became a teacher instead, it would be about the only way she could practice her craft and keep food on the table. Her dislike of children meant that high school was her best bet and though she's not exactly thrilled with her life at this point, she's happy enough, glad to at least be herself in a city that suits her for once.