birth name paige parker eliston birthdate & age March 3rd, 1991 & 26 hometown athens, ga residence sleepy hollow, ny marital status single occupation wedding planner pets soon

Though Claire thought their relationship was serious, her boyfriend, Harrison told her that he was in no way ready to commit to her, let alone be a father when she told him she was pregnant. Heartbroken but determined to focus on the life she was about to bring into the world, she moved back to her hometown where her father, Harvey was ready, willing and able to care for them. Though Claire quickly found a steady enough job as a seamstress at a bridal shop and easily could have gotten an apartment for the pair of them, the Elistons simply enjoyed each other's company too much to warrant it. Doted on by both her mom and grandfather, Paige grew up a happy, though shy child. Her mother hoped that being around other kids her age at school would help coax Paige out of her shell, but it simply wasn't meant to be.

She was a decent student and by the time middle school came around she had gained a handful of friends, enough for Claire to stop worrying. There were bigger problems on the horizon. Paige's grandfather passed away suddenly of a heart attack the summer before she started high school. Claire and Paige were heartbroken, but Harvey looked after them in death the same way he had in life. The house that had always been theirs had been left to them in his will. Like most teenagers, Paige eventually wanted more spending money than her allowance provided. When it came time to look for a job, her mother suggested she work at the front desk of the bridal shop where she worked. It was an easy gig and though she had never been a dreamy, overly romantic sort, Paige fell in love with weddings and all the little details that surrounded them.

She was unsure of what to do after graduation, so she continued working at the store for about six months when it finally clicked. She'd always enjoyed hearing customer's wedding plans. She'd also almost always secretly judged them and mentally thought about what she'd do better, becoming a wedding planner seemed like a perfect fit and after taking the necessary classes, she was well on her way.

It was at college, surrounded by people who had or were getting their lives together that she realized it was probably time to move out of her mom's house. Though she didn't want to, Paige knew it was a necesarry step toward adulthood. At around the time she moved out, Paige's mother started a relationship with their neighbor, Dominic. After a whirlwind romance, he proposed and quickly became Paige's stepdad. Paige who had always liked him and had her suspicsons that he more than liked her mother, is more than fine with this and glad Claire has found that special someone. She's been on her own for four years now and recently bought her first cat, something she wasn't able to have thanks to Claire's allergies. Her romantic relationships are few and far between and she's relatively content on focusing on other people's love lives.

pb: anna speckhart. third person, past, threads; adult or ftb credit